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Head Over Heels Showcases

Head Over Heels showcases are a unique aspect of the HOH project.  The main goal of our showcases is to provide even more opportunities for ladies to take the stage while at the same time continuing to spread the HOH Mission to Entertain, Inpsire and Empower women with pole dance fitness!


All showcases are held during the HOH Competition "off season" and are open to all would-be perfomers - from students to instructors, first-time performers to seasoned competitors.  Requirements for applying for our showcases vary from event to event - some may follow the lottery process while others may require a video application.  We also look forward to incorporating charity fundraisers into future showcases.


Our 2012 Spring Showcase took place on May 4 2012 at the Southland Ballroom in Raleigh, NC.  We were blessed to have over a dozen performers, with ladies joining us from as far as Tennessee and Maryland.  All performers took on an extra challenge of choreographing their routines to local singing talents Virginia Scare and Valerie Wood.  This sold out show also featured international pole competitor Phoenix Kazree as the headliner for the event.  A very special thanks to all our performers, the amazing behind-the-scenes volunteers and the amazing audience for helping us create a special evening in Raleigh!


Follow Head Over Heels events on >Facebook< to stay up-to-date on our competitions & showcases and to learn about future performance opportunities.

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